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The Addiction Begins!

Let's find some beautiful place to get lost

Ever since we purchased our shiny little travel trailer, we have become fully immersed in learning everything there is to know on Airstreams. I have purchased books, apps, subscriptions, security Airstream related-gadgets, decals, clothing, floor mats, sheets/blankets and the "must have" chili-red mini Keurig because it will look SO COOL in our "vacation home"! As you can imagine, costs are starting to mount and our wallets are beginning to smell suspiciously of burnt plastic. After purchasing (by complete accident) two of the same items on Amazon, I realized that I might have a problem - some might call it APA Amazon Prime Addiction, but I like to think I'm only being selfless by helping out the economy. I added up the last 60-days worth of shipping costs and pleaded my case to dearest husband (who has been extremely tolerant of my slightly carefree spending) and he agreed it was time to pay the exorbitant $99 annual Amazon Prime membership fee that should alleviate most, if not all, shipping charges. We can now add "annoying, but necessary membership fee" to our list of purchases.

If my wife was a transformer her name would be Amazon Prime

In case you're wondering what items have been on the shopping list, here are a few:

My pals at work have been feeding my habit by gifting me a couple of extremely awesome State & National Parks around the US (in full color, with campground tips). Seriously, best. friends. ever!

I suspect we are doing everything backwards - cart before the horse perhaps? Most sane people would wait to see what the necessities are before buying them - except for the Keurig... everyone needs a good chili-red mini Keurig, right?? I believe my shopping addiction issues are due in part that we haven't been able to take our new toy out for its maiden voyage. The Airstream is currently winterized and unless we want to use a campsite bathhouse as our only source of toilet and shower water, we're probably stuck waiting for Spring to arrive. My shower "flips" (sandals) are packed up among my bathing suits, and summer wardrobe. And while I should really keep this to myself (but apparently have no boundaries and filter), my toes and legs are in winterize-mode too. It's not pretty to say the least!

I suppose until Spring has sprung, I'll have to continue playing "house" and guess at what "glamping" items I think will be necessary for our upcoming adventures - like the chili-red mini Keurig! Readers, I would be grateful to read what your top 1 or 2 items are for when you're camping/glamping/traveling.

Chili-red  mini Keurig

Thanks for reading, and happy wandering!

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